Let me start with a picture of my handpalm, it is the same condition that causes the deformation of my nails. I have it on the palms of both hands, fingers and underneath my feet. At first there are tiny blisters, some grouped together. Once they heal the skin around it will get dry and cracked and eventually peels away It is called Dyshidrotic Eczema, Dyshidrosis or Pompholyx and in my case, it transferred to my nails…
This is how my nails looked like underneath the Optical Illusion II nail art 🙁
Underneath the Black & White nail art, I needed 10 coats to cover up the holes and ridges in my nails.
This is underneath the Purple & Glitter French Manicure. You can see the pitting is growing along with my nails. there is residue from one of the creme’s that I have from the dermatologist left in my cuticles, that is a common thing now, with putting creme’s on 3 times a day and wearing gloves. Sure makes painting nails harder if you have to fit it in between cremes 🙁
I had to cut my nails again, but they are looking a lot better already, this is how it looked underneath the Matte Purple & Black Thin Stripes nail art.
A lot of flakiness is going on. It looks like there are forming new holes underneath the white spots. And I still don’t know what exactly is causing my dyshidrosis.
This is how my nails are looking now. Had to file them down again because there were dents at the tip of my nails, my nails are very thin at the places where they are affected and they break/bend easily at those points.
I can’t say that I am happy with the state my nails are in now, but I can’t complain, it is so much better now than in December! I do have hope that I will ever go back to showing you nail art once a day, but not for now. The goal is to get healthy nails first and in the mean time I hope you will appreciate the (almost)weekly nails!
That totally sucks! Have you tried getting treatments of IBX on your nails? It may help get them back into tip top condition.
Thanks for helping me find a solution! I have contacted a salon and I will make an appointment soon! Thanks again!
I am so sorry for your nails, the way they got affected by the eczema. I hope they will recover soon. And I love the weekly posts! Less frequent, but still amazing!
Thank you honey!!
I totally sympathize- I have it pretty bad on my feet, I can never wear pedicures or nice sandals because I’m embarrased about how my feet are. I can’t treat them so easily either. I’m terrified of the thought that it might spread to my fingernails one day!